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Catholic Primary School

  • With our mother Mary,
  • we gather together joyfully,
  • to love, live, learn and pray,
  • with respect for all God’s family,
  • as Jesus teaches us.

School Attendance

Whole School Letter - September 2024


Our School Attendance 2024/25

 Whole School Attendance from 03.09.24 to 13.09.24

Whole School - 95.30%


   Class attendance for the week ending 13 September 2024


Reception - N/A    Year 1 - 96.00%    Year 2 - 99.30%

Year 3 - 94.60%    Year 4 - 95.60%   Year 5 - 98.30%

Year 6 - 96.00%


Whole School - 96.70%


Attendance 96% and over

Well done Year 1, Year 2, Year 5 & Year 6



Academic Year 2023/24 - 93.40%
     Academic Year 2022/23 - 93.20%     
Academic Year 2021/22 - 92.90%






