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Catholic Primary School

  • With our mother Mary,
  • we gather together joyfully,
  • to love, live, learn and pray,
  • with respect for all God’s family,
  • as Jesus teaches us.

Sept 2024 Year 3 Dinner Arrangements

Trip to Symphony Hall

First Holy Communion Arrangements

National Space Centre

Gruffalo Theatre Trip

Florence Nightingale Workshop

Year 2 Aston Hall Visit

Yr 6 visit to Birmingham Library

World Book Day 07.03.24

Year 3 trip to Woodlands

Kingstanding Library Visit Yr 1

Kingstanding Library Yr 2

BCC - Measles letter to parents

Cinema Trip Years 5 & 6

Cinema Trip Years 3 & 4

Flu Letter to Parents & Schools.Oct 2023

Cinema Trip Yr1 & Yr2

Applying for a Reception School place September 2024

RAAC Update - return to school

RAAC - Latest update 12.09.23

RAAC update 8.9.23

Letter to Parents RAAC 7.9.23

Applying online for child's secondary school place - September 2024
