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Catholic Primary School

  • With our mother Mary,
  • we gather together joyfully,
  • to love, live, learn and pray,
  • with respect for all God’s family,
  • as Jesus teaches us.

In Year 2, your student is learning computer science on, a fun, creative platform for learning computer science and basic coding to create interactive animations, games, or apps.


Get your child set up to use at home


Our class uses picture passwords to sign in. To have your student sign in to at home, do the following:

  1. Go to and click on their name

  2. Click on their picture password and then click 'Sign in'
  3. If your student does not remember their picture password, please email me and I will provide it

  4. At the top of their homepage, your student can continue the course they are doing with their classroom at school. 


Our first course is called Computer Science Essentials. Lessons include;


Online Safety

Learn to drag and drop





Pupils complete interactive lessons to show their learning. Teachers can see each lesson they complete which contributes to their overall progress. 


Connect your email to your student's account


Keep up to date with what your student is working on and receive updates from Have your child sign in to and then enter your email in Account Settings or click here.


Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your continued support of your child and of our classroom!


Mr Zolna
