Hi Year 1
Just so you are keeping on top of what you should be learning if you were at school here are a few bits you can do at home…
Maths: Number Bonds to 10
In the folder below you will find some fun ways to learn your number bonds to 10! Try completing some of these tasks to show your teacher when you are back at school. Make up your own ‘equals 10’ stories or try playing bingo with the members of your household.
Sing and dance along to some of these videos and learn your number bonds to 10 as well!
You can also click on the link below for some exciting maths lessons and help:
Practice phonics phases 2-5 through some of the activities in the folder below.
Have fun online and play some games to practice your sounds.
Extra Bits
Click on the spelling folder and learn your year 1 spellings and impress your teacher!
Enjoy learning at home until we see you again! https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-collection/zbr4scw
Keep safe, continue learning and look after yourselves! We hope to see you back at school soon!