“The courage to take a risk for God’s promise” - Pope Francis, 2019
In the Bible, God says: “I know the plans I have in mind for you - it is the Lord who speaks - plans for peace, not disaster, reserving a future full of hope for you.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
At Maryvale we are passionate about helping the children to understand the meaning of vocation and begin to assist the children in discerning theirs. “Vocare” is the Latin word for “to call.” Our vocation is “the call to holiness” - not just our occupation. Every vocation is a call to follow Jesus on the path he has marked out for us, for our own happiness and for the good of those around us - it is about being the person that God created us to be. There will be times that what we want to do matches what we are called to do, and there are times that our vocation is not clear to us. We pray that God helps us to see what we are being called to be.
We strive to support children in identifying and developing their God given gifts and talents by providing them with a wealth of opportunities and experiences. Our gifts are not just for us; the gifts that God gives us are there to be shared. This is where vocations come from - we believe that everyone of us has a calling to share our gifts.
In Baptism, we begin our Vocation journey. It is strengthened by the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist and further developed in Confirmation.
Our pupils live out their vocations in ways which include:
· Class Prayer Monitors
· Retreat Days
· Collective Worship Leaders
· Classroom monitors
· Y6 House captains and Vice captains
· Mini Vinnie's
· Buddies for younger pupils during Collective Worship and throughout the school day
We are very proud of the roles and responsibilities that our pupils lead the school, We are one family- our children look after each other just like Jesus looks after each member of His family.
Mini Vinnie and CAFOD Club - 2023
Family Fast Day - October 2023
The Mini Vinnie and CAFOD Club have already been busy this half term. They made, sold and distributed soup to the local community on Family Fast Day. Proceeds are going to CAFOD. They enjoyed visiting the local assisted living homes and welcomed governors, grandparents, local secondary school staff and residents from the local community to join them for Family Fast day.
Harvest Collections - October 2023
They have also collected a variety of goods for our annual Harvest Collection. We thank all families for their donations- especially in face of the cost of living crisis. All donations are going to Erdington Food Bank.
We also had some special visitors from our local Little Ripley Nursey - they came into school and brought in their donations. T