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Catholic Primary School

  • With our mother Mary,
  • we gather together joyfully,
  • to love, live, learn and pray,
  • with respect for all God’s family,
  • as Jesus teaches us.

Monday 1st February 2021


Session 1: English - Reading

Session 2: Revising 2D shapes and their Properties

Tuesday 2nd February 2021


Session 1: Reading - Inference

Session 2: Maths - Properties of 2D shapes including angles

Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Session 1: RE Christmas - The importance of Christmas within the Church 

Session 2: Maths - Circles

Thursday 4th February 2021


Session 1: Children's Mental Health Week 

Session 2: English

Friday 5th February 2021


Session 1: Healthy Body Session 
Please look at the PowerPoint below to see the tasks for the rest 
of the morning smiley



- Complete MyMaths H/W
- Log onto Oxford Reading Buddy. Complete a text and quiz.

- Complete any outstanding activities from this week. 


Session 2: QUIZ

Please make sure that you and family members are ready for our weekly quiz at 12:00!
