Hi Year 5! (nearly year 6)
I hope that you are all well and keeping safe! I (Mrs Kaur) have had a look at some of the amazing work you have been sending into Mrs Southwell, WOW I’m so impressed! What a super job you all have been doing!
So, as I said you will soon be the oldest in school – YEAR 6! I know you will be amazing! I’m really looking forward to seeing you all in September and working with Mrs Martin to help you have a great year!
Just so you are a little more prepared for YEAR 6 I have set you a few bits of revision…
Maths: Place Value
Place Value is important within all areas of mathematics. Have a go at some of the tasks I have set you in the Numeracy folder below.
Here are some other activities you may like to try:
English: Reading Comprehension
The more you read, the better you will be at answering reading comprehension questions! I have set you some reading and questions in the Reading folder – have a go see how you get on.
Over the summer keep a log of all the different texts you read, this can be books, the newspaper, journals, magazines, online articles, comics etc. I’m sure Miss Martin will be very interested in hearing about your marathon of reading this summer!
SPAG – Recap Basics
In the SPAG folder I have included some SPAG work for you to recap through just to keep the knowledge of all the basics secure before you move on the harder stuff in Year 6.
Have a go at some interactive games:
Test yourself!
Extra Bits
There are some fun bits in this folder which you can do over the summer! You’ll also find fun ways to learn your spellings for next year in here too!
Overall, keep safe, continue learning and look after yourselves! Have a great summer of fun and we all look forward to welcoming you back in September.
Mrs Kaur