Monday 18th January 2021
Good Morning Year 6,
Today you will be independently completing tasks as there will be no Zoom Lessons.
Please download the Power Point below and click through the slides, reading all the information carefully before starting anything.
There are 4 tasks that must be completed and emailed to myself by the end of the day.
If you have any questions please email me and I will try to answer you ASAP.
See you all tomorrow morning at 9:00am!
Miss Martin
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Session 1:
Waste Warriors - Complete Question Set 1
Research Task: Focus on a charity that aims to make an environmental impact of society
Look at PPT to see questions that need to be answered and present your findings in PPT or as a fact file ready to show to the rest of the class tomorrow morning.
Session 2: Maths - Consolidation of Division
- Complete Questions in Orange Book using formal written method
- MyMaths H/W
- Complete Research Project from AM session
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Session 1:
- Complete Question Set 2 - Waste Warriors
- Write a persuasive letter to a friend or family member about the importance
of recycling plastic. Use the Waste Warriors Text and Checklist to help you.
Session 2:
We are looking at the formal written method of Long Division including Remainders.
- Watch White Rose Video of Division with Remainders
- Complete last 2 slides of PPT in your orange books under today's date.
Thursday 21st January 2021
Session 1: RE (Christmas) - The Birth of Jesus
Look at the PPT below and read the scriptures from the books of Luke and Matthew about the birth of Jesus.
Task: Compare and contrast the two accounts - use one of the following templates to help you.
Focus Group: Recite the Birth of Jesus using the storyboard pictures below to help you.
Session 2: Maths - Order of Operations
- Watch video link below and complete tasks required on your W/B
- Complete Page 14 BODMAS in Targeted Question Book
- Stretch: Complete Page 14 in both Books
- Create a BODMAS Poster based on the Order of Operations Diagram shown below
Friday 22nd January 2021
Session 1: Maths - Order of Operations 2
1. Complete Fluency Activities on PPT
2. Complete 3 Challenge Activities on PPT
3. MyMaths - Order of Operations H/W