Hi Year 3!
Just so you are a little more prepared for when you return back to school I have set you a few bits of revision…
Take this time year 3 to practice your times tables, time yourself get a leader board going at home with the people you live with see if you can beat everyone at home! Open up the maths folder below to go over some key learning for this year.
Learn and have fun online with lots of great maths games and lessons:
Reading is SOOO much fun year 3 – transport yourself into a variety of different worlds through the books you read. Keep a log of all the material (online or offline) you read this can be books, magazines, comics or the newspaper as I’m sure your teacher will want to hear about all of these when you get back.
In the folder below give the mini reading challenges a go!
SPaG – Recap Basics
I have included some cool ways of learning your year 3 spellings in the folder below and when you have look you will see some posters on key grammar terms you could practice for this year. Have a go have creating your own eye catching, colouring posters at home for these grammar terms.
Extra Bits
As well as all this remember 10 minutes every day working on your handwriting will improve your presentation greatly!
Have fun recapping some key learning through the following web links:
Overall, keep safe, continue learning and look after yourselves! We look forward to having you all back at school soon!