RE based Retreat Day!
A superb retreat day lead by Year 5! Children were involved in lots of fun activities throughout the day thinking about how they can help and be kind to those around them. Well done Year 5!
**Staying Safe Online**
We have been learning how to stay safe online this week - through role play, research and poster making.
Have a question...come and speak to us about it we would love to share our top tips with YOU!
WB 27th January 2020
Showing Super Collaboration!
A huge WELL DONE to Year 6 for demonstrating exceptional teamwork skills this week during Numeracy and R.E.
**Our Visit to St Chad’s Sanctuary**
Some pupils from Year 6 had the opportunity to visit St Chad’s Sanctuary on Friday 13th December, they were fantastic ambassadors for Maryvale! We are grateful to be part of such a great organisation helping so many people from all over the world! The donations from our parents, carers and the children have been incredible and gratefully received by the charity - so a huge well done to everyone at Maryvale!
Friday 13th December
Celebrating Advent!
Year 6 did a fabulous job of leading Advent assembly! Maryvale are proud of your commitment and dedication!
D&T Week
Year 6 had an amazing week of D&T! Children were involved in designing and constructing their portfolios in groups, planning how to make their chutneys and designing their individual embroidered covers. The team work within the classroom has been so impressive! Well done Year 6 super job!
Friday 29th November
**Gold Book**
Well done Riya - you are a ALL round superstar! Keep up all your hard work!
Thursday 21st November
Well done to Year 6 on leading their first Mass. There is a 'Mass of Commitment' on Sunday 24th November at 11:30am in Church for all those who want to receive the sacraments of reconciliation, the Eucharist and confirmation. Attending this Mass will demonstrate commitment to the Holy Sacraments.
Monday 18th November
**Gold Book!**
Well done Isabella Gjeloshi! You have shown superb commitment to your learning, in school and outside school. You truly deserve to be in Gold Book this week! Keep up your good work!
Update on Oxford Reading Buddy
Year 6 and Year 5 both on 97% engagement! Well done Year 5. Come on Year 6 get logging on over the weekend!
Thursday 14th November
Update on Oxford Reading Buddy...
YES!!! A huge well done to Year 6 for achieving our target of reaching 100% engagement with Oxford Reading Buddy! Keep up the fab work and keep reading Year 6 as we want to maintain our top spot at Maryvale! 1st! #leaders
Wednesday 13th November
"A random act of kindness is perfect and it is FREE!"
Congratulations to Year 5 for delivering an inspiring assembly about the importance of 'KINDNESS'today! We learn that it is the small gestures that can make all the difference to someone's day. Year 6 have been putting this into practice in class and around school. Remember being kind does not cost anything and can put a smile on someone's face for the day!
Have you made a difference today?
Oxford Reading Buddy!
A super well done Year 6 we are current leaders for engagement with Oxford Reading Buddy at Maryvale! 93% engagement - let's see if we can get to 100% by the end of November! Keep going Year 6 you are doing a great job!
Remembrance Day Assembly
Year 6 did an amazing job putting the Remembrance Day assembly together! They led the Remembrance service today, representing the Armed Forces of today and those whom fought for us during WWI and WWII. Maryvale observed a two-minute silence, in unison with many across the nation.
Well done Year 6 - you are being great role models within the school and the community!
Monday 11th November 2019
**Change Starts With Us!**
This week at school we are celebrating Anti-Bullying Week 2019. Whether it is verbal, physical, online or in-person bullying can have a significate impact on a child's life well in to adulthood. The change starts with a conversation. It starts with us working together. It starts with us showing love and care towards one another. Be a part of the change!
Find out more:
Change starts here!
Change starts now!
Change starts with US!
Friday 8th November 2019
Read All About It!
The Sun are giving away £12 million-worth of books as part of our amazing Books For Schools campaign! The challenge is on! See how many tokens you can collect for our school. We need to collect 3500 tokens by January 2020 and the school will receive £600 to put towards exciting new books for everyone to enjoy! Happy collecting everyone!
Just to let you all know Oxford Reading Buddy is now all set up! Log on with your children and explore all the great reading material they can challenge themselves with! Get logging on Year 6!
Maryvale School Celebrates the Canonisation of Cardinal John Henry Newman
Friday 11th October 2019
Heart to Heart
What a great day of celebrating John Henry Newman becoming a Saint!
Children did a great job at bringing cakes in and showing care towards one another.
A special Thank you to pupils year 6 whom bought in egg free cakes for Mrs Kaur! Very thoughtful year 6!
Loving each other – we have classroom rules that underpin the mission of the school.
Update: Friday 18th October. Pupils who baked cakes were recognised with a special reward in the Gold Book assembly on Friday. Special congratulations for Riya, who was joint winner of the best cake prize!
Harvest collection a great success!
A huge WELL DONE to year 6 for so many generous donations for our Harvest box!
Year 6 had two very, very full boxes!
Showing care for those in our local community – raising funds and donating food to our local food bank and our own order of nuns.
Year 6 have gone back in time to WWII
Thursday 3rd October 2019
This week we have been learning about WWII. Year 6 have done a fabulous job on showing empathy towards the people during that time. Their team work and knowledge have been really impressive! These are the Anderson Shelters we made.
We also dressed up in WWII costume, which the whole school was impressed with. Well done for making such an effort, Year 6!
Our visit Birmingham Central Mosque
Year 6 had a very successful visit to the Mosque. Their contributions, learning attitude and level of respect shown was impeccable. The guide commented on how well behaved the children were and congratulated them on having a great morning of learning!
Welcome to our visitor, Mr Hoq
Friday 6th September 2019
Towards the end of the first week, we had a very special visitor come in to speak to us about Islam - Mr Hoq. After working on our tables with him, we presented out finding to the rest of the class.
Matthew 19:19 "Honor your father and mother and love your neighbour as yourself"
We learnt that both the Quran and the Bible teach us to show love, respect and kindness to everyone around you.
Year 6 have learned the power of the word 'yet'
Wednesday 4th September 2019
Year 6 started the year with a very positive attitude! As a class, we have decided to add the word 'YET' to anything we find difficult this year!
I don't get this... YET!
I can't do this... YET!
I don't understand this... YET!
We will embrace the 'power of YET' top progress in all areas of our learning! Have a look at our hands and read about all the learning we will be improving this year!