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Catholic Primary School

  • With our mother Mary,
  • we gather together joyfully,
  • to love, live, learn and pray,
  • with respect for all God’s family,
  • as Jesus teaches us.

Wow! Renae has been supporting the NHS and tending to her garden plants! Well done!

Lula and her sister celebrating VE day and supporting the NHS.

Calling all Artists! Mary inspired art work task.

Well done Jasmine! Great planting and growing

Hi everyone!


Mymaths has been updated and I have been monitoring oxford reading buddy! Well done all of you who have been reading such a range of books!


This week you could:



Get measuring -  measure everyday objects with a ruler in cm and m. You could estimate the length before you begin and see how accurate you are. As an extension you could also convert your cm measurement to metres and vica versa. 


for English please write a bit about your bubble at home. You can draw portraits of each person and write a character profile for them.


RE: You could write a prayer to God to say thank you for all the wonderful friends and family you have. After decorate your poem. 


Keep growing those plants! Now you could create a fact-file for your favourites !



As always I would love to see your work by email.





Mrs Paterson



Home you are all still well and enjoying the beautiful weather!


This week I would love to find out about VE day from you all.


Could you write a recount of what you did to celebrate VE day. If you took any photos you could include these in your recount. I would love an email to see what you have been up to. 



If you didn't celebrate VE day it's not too late to find out all about VE day and create a poster/leaflet to inform other children what the day is all about. 


Also, could you design a special VE day medal.


For Science, i would love you to become nature detectives!

Go outside into the garden, or on your daily walks to find and name as many plants and trees as you can.

You could take photographs and label each part. 

or you could create plant fact files to exhibit the range of plants you have found.


if you are lucky enough to have some seeds handy you could create and grow your own plant and observe the growth and changes. 


Again, I would love to see your findings.






Hi there,


Hope you are all enjoying the weather and staying safe.

It's great to see so many children completing the my maths and oxford reading buddy at home. 

I'm regularly updating both sites with new work for the children to complete.

Please let me know if you have any queries about this on my email -


Please send me any work that the children are particularly proud of. 


This week please create a thank you card to celebrate the work of the NHS.


Also create a poster on inspirational fundraisers such as Captain Thomas Moore


For English - write a book review on the most recent book you have read whilst working from home. i would love to see them!

