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Catholic Primary School

  • With our mother Mary,
  • we gather together joyfully,
  • to love, live, learn and pray,
  • with respect for all God’s family,
  • as Jesus teaches us.

7th May 2021

Number Day

Why is 6 afraid of seven? Because 7 ate 9! 

29th April 2021

St Catherine of Siena - Feast Day

On this feast day, we learnt about St Catherine of Siena and how we can be inspired by her. We wrote prayer intentions and asked her to pray with us. 

28th April 2021


Wow Year 2! I'm super impressed at the skills you've shown in logging on and explains how to safely research things on the internet. Remember to tell a trusted adult if you ever come across something that makes you unhappy or uncomfortable, 

22nd April 2021

Earth Day

20th April 2021

Enjoying The Sun

Year 2 took the opportunity to enjoy the sun and take a breather. Can you guess who won this game?

30th March 2021

Holy Week


22nd March 2021

Science Week

Year 2 had a wonderful science week learning all about Plants! We looked at seed dispersal, how seeds turn into plants and how plants grow. 

23rd March 2021

OneLife Lent Experience

Thank you Dan and Emily from OneLife for another amazing experience, this time helping pupils during Lent. 

15th March 2021

Geography Week

Year 2 have had a fantastic week learning about our local area, the U.K. and Trinidad! Our Trinidad experience day was lots of fun and the postcards Year 2 wrote were very informative. Well done! 


11th March 2021

New Astroturf!

A picture can say 1000 words. It's safe to say that Year 2 are loving the new Astroturf - a great new space for playing and learning!

4th March 2021

World Book Day

World Book Day was a great success as pupils in school and at home got dressed up as their favourite characters and spoke about their favourite books. We also read 'The Dinosaur In My Bathtub' together, did some writing and even learnt some French! Fantastique! 

11th February 2021

Our Robots 

In our English and Science lessons, we have been learning and writing about Magnificent Machines. Pupils created their own magnificent machines in school and at home. Wow!


Welcome Back...Remotely!

Everybody should have received details regarding remote learning via email. If you require any additional devices to access remote learning, please do get in touch. 

Wishing Everybody A Wonderful (and Merry) Christmas. 

11th December 2020

OneLife Advent Experience

To prepare our hearts for the coming of the baby Jesus, pupils joined Dan and Emily from OneLife Music for a fantastic Music Advent Preparation experience. 

11th December 2020


Check out our fantastic Bambinos! Father Thé will bless these and then you can take them home to be part of your own Nativity scenes.


11th December 2020

KS1 Nativity

Well done Year 2! You practised your lines really well and came together to film a great Nativity under some interesting circumstances! Mr Zolna and Mrs Byrne are very proud of you all. 

8th December 2020

History Week

History Week started with much excitement as our classroom had a visitor. Pupils had to use the clues left behind to ask questions and make observations about the visitor before finding out who it is. Do you know who we are learning about this week?









That's right! It's Neil Armstrong!

30th November 2020

Advent Prayer Service

Advent is a special period of time for Catholics everywhere. Thank you to everybody who joined us via Zoom to celebrate. 

5th November 2020

DT Week

In DT, we have been learning about how things are designed and made. Here are some photos of us creating prototypes of our own pop-up Christmas cards (final product coming to a fireplace near you). 

17th November 2020

Keeping Healthy


In PSHE, we have been learning about how to stay healthy. We thought about the 5 things we should do and then we created our own obstacle courses to keep us active. 

5th November 2020

Remembrance Week

We have been learning about the meaning of Remembrance Sunday. Mrs Byrne led a lesson and we then made our own poppies using pears and paint. We then led a prayer service to remember the contribution of those who have fought in wars. 




Multi -Faith Week

Year 2 have settled back at school very well and are doing fabulously well with all their learning! We have just finished with our Multi-faith week. Our topic was Hanukkah. 
We have learnt about the story of Hanukkah and how Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah. We retold the story through acting and writing about what happened and why Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah.
We learnt how to play a Jewish game called dreidel - for this we had to turn a net of a shape into a 3D shape in order to play. We then wrote instructions on how to play. We thought it was great fun! Here we are with our dreidels! 
We also learnt how to write our names in Hebrew letters and had to learn to write from right to left! 
One of the highlights of the week was making a fingerprint menorah that's has been added to our beautiful display in school to showcase all of our learning. Come and have a look!