Welcome Back Year 4!
Thank you for looking on our class page.
I have received a few emails asking about the Zoom Meeting. Do not worry, it will be taking place within the next few weeks!
I am looking forward to seeing all your faces, even if it is through a screen...
This Weeks Tasks:
As I'm sure many of you know, there has been a lot of people globally protesting in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. This is because people want equality. They want to express that no matter what colour your skin is, everybody should be treated with equal love and respect.
Therefore, I thought that this would be a great topic to focus our learning on this week.
Now I know that before lockdown we had Black History Day, where we learnt all about a very influential and inspirational man named Nelson Mandela who fought for black people's rights. This week, I would like you to research another man who showed great courage and strength when protesting for equality. His name was Martin Luther King.
Special Mentions:
Well done to all the children that completed all the tasks last week. I loved seeing that a lot of you really enjoyed measuring your rooms and creating floor plans in order to find the perimeter of each space.
Once again, thank you so much for sending me your fantastic work!
Keep it up and I will look forward to seeing what you produce this week.
Take Care
Miss Martin